Suddenly Found Free Time? What to Do.
When an appointment or meeting wraps up early, how should you use this unforeseen free time?
If your schedule unexpectedly opens up, use your time with care. You’ll dramatically improve your ability to spend your free time in ways that will benefit you, your family, and your goals if you:
Assess Your To-Do List for the Day.
Consider using your spare time to knock out the tasks that you need to get done urgently. If you have an important meeting or presentation coming up, consider using your free time to prepare yourself and your materials. Clearing your to-do list for the week can help you relax and focus on the goals that matter most to you and your vision for the future.
Remind Yourself of Your Long-Term Priorities.
When you have even a few free minutes, take yourself and your business a step closer to the level of success you’ve been imagining. Use your unforeseen free time for personal and professional growth. Pursue self-improvement, do research, or take up any activity that will enrich your knowledge and grow your problem-solving toolkit. Any class, lesson, or experience that will better enable you to achieve your long-term goals is a wise way to spend your free moments.
Determine Your Self-Care Needs.
If you have a few moments to yourself, check in with your physical and mental health needs. Reflect on your stress levels. Assess when you last refueled yourself with food or water. Take time to deep breathe, stretch, or take a walk. When you find free time during your day, tending to your mind and body will set you up to tackle your to-dos feeling your best.
Connect with Your Network.
Found some spare time in your day? Take the opportunity to connect with the members of your support network. Reach out to your mentors. They can help you get a sense of where you stand on your goals and which of your pursuits deserve more attention. Follow up with your clients, new and old. Spending even a few minutes talking to your supporters and loved ones will replenish you and help re-affirm why you’re pursuing your goals for the future.
Have a few minutes? More tips for how to spend your day wisely are available on the Syncis Money Blog today.