Communicate Your Opinions More Effectively in Three Easy Steps
Do you want people to listen to your advice or opinions? Or do you wish you could engage more with individuals who do not share your opinion, in a meaningful, non-confrontational way?
If you would like to do a better job of making yourself heard, consider these three ways to speak with people who disagree with you and still have respect for one another by the end of the conversation:
We Put Weight on Different Arguments: You may be speaking with someone who has a different political, personal, or professional opinion than you. It is important to remember that even if you take the time to lay out arguments that have convinced you of your personal opinion, the “proof” or type of evidence that registers most with someone else may not be the same as yours. While it may take time, we can benefit from getting a sense of what sources, facts, and scale of information resonates with the particular person we are speaking to. When we are speaking with other professionals or our clients, it helps to learn what motivates them, or what will at least perk up their ears, both factually and emotionally. For example, some people may respond better when they learn about the human impact of an issue. Someone else, on the other hand, may approach the same situation from a purely economic perspective. Once your peer or client is engaged, even momentarily, you can begin to find middle ground with them.
Remember That Our Values Affect Our Perspective: Values do not necessarily mean religious beliefs. Values also refer to the item, outcome, or concept that someone prioritizes or emphasizes when they make decisions or form opinions. For example, many people strongly value family. Kindness, freedom, and security are a few more values that people may use as guidelines for their individual perspective on the world. When considering or responding to an idea, look it over from the viewpoint of your values, but also with the value filter of the person you are speaking to, if possible. You may find that both of your values line up more than you realized! Or, you may learn something new, in as civil a situation as possible.
Listen: When we listen, we are allowing ourselves to be taken into someone else’s perspective. With listening comes understanding and empathy, as well as the exchange of new information. The only way that we will be able to make our opinions truly appealing is if we listen to what our friend, client, or peer is actually saying before we respond.
If you take the time to understand where the person you are speaking to is coming from, you will have an easier time relaying how your ideas can, in fact, help these individuals achieve their goals. Chances are, you will have more relatable stances between the two of you than you initially imagined!
To learn about more ways to grow personally and professionally, visit the Syncis blog at www.syncis.com/blog.