How to Respond to Conflict
When you encounter conflict, whether at home or work, the part of your brain that mitigates emotions and behavior, the amygdala, wants to jump into action. Unfortunately, this urge to respond emotionally can exacerbate the conflict, slow the resolution process, and put you at risk of taking actions you later regret.
You can improve your ability to control your emotions and navigate conflicts effectively and professionally if you:
Don’t Simply “React” Think Before You Respond.
When faced with conflict, don’t let your emotions run the conversation. When your stress is going through the roof, remind yourself of the possible consequences of your actions. Emails, texts, and voicemails will record your reactions forever, which can in turn negatively impact your professional reputation. If you’re feeling especially upset, consider taking a moment to step away from the situation and return at another time. Gather as much information as you can before you make any serious decisions.
Listen to Everyone Involved.
When dealing with conflict, take time to listen to the explanations and solutions offered to you. Stay open to working together to find a solution. If you are struggling to find a comfortable resolution, consider involving a trusted third party, like a mentor.
Stay Mindful.
Use your words carefully throughout any conflict. Resist the urge to be rude or too strong-worded. This doesn’t mean that you should not express yourself clearly; it just means that you should strive to be respectful and reasonable in your discourse. Do your best to preserve a professional relationship moving forward. You will be thankful that you put in the effort to control your emotions in the long run.
Practice Stress-Reducing Habits on a Regular Basis.
Even if you are not currently facing conflict, make a point of addressing your health and stress levels regularly. Incorporate self-care and stress-mitigating habits into your weekly routine. The healthier you are, physically and mentally, the more you will think clearly when dealing with conflict.
Learn and Plan Ahead.
Gain lessons from conflict. Consider if you can improve your processes or tactics in order to avoid repeats of similar conflicts. Likewise, take the tools that you used to resolve present conflicts and apply them to issues down the line. Of course, conflict resolution is not one-size-fits-all. A trusted mentor can likely teach you how to respond fairly and effectively to conflicts both now and in the future.
More conflict resolution and stress management tips are available on the Syncis Money Blog today