Push Past Your Comfort Zone This Week
When it comes to your professional skillset, you likely have a comfort zone; consider pushing yourself to leave that zone this month!
Take time to feel proud of your current growth and skillset. You should also regularly push yourself outside of your comfort zone and embark on new opportunities.
You’ll grow as a person and as a professional if you:
Seek New Experiences.
Trying things outside of your comfort zone creates opportunities for you to learn and grow. Successful entrepreneurs are open to learning from new experiences as well as making mistakes; don’t be afraid to meet new people and take new classes. Push yourself to learn about skills and subjects outside of your normal comfort zone. Get your hands dirty learning something new. Adopting new skills in new settings will help you learn valuable lessons in both problem solving and networking.
Practice Self-Discipline.
While it’s important to practice self-care, do not confuse care with «comfort.» If you get too comfortable in any area of life, you run the risk of making more mistakes and missteps. Push yourself to always improve and maintain standards that you can feel proud of. Strive to maintain your healthy habits on a regular basis. When you notice that certain habits are not serving you, consider swapping them for healthier, more rewarding practices. Practicing self-discipline will help you stay well, perform at your best, and accomplish your goals, both now and down the road.
Get Outside Input.
Your trusted mentors pushed themselves to achieve their goals. Listen to their insights. They can direct you to beneficial opportunities to leave your comfort zone, as well as advise you against new fads or trends that you don’t need to try. When you have trouble pushing yourself, ask your mentor for a nudge. You can trust that they’ll help you grow in the right direction.
More entrepreneurial insights are available on the Syncis Money Blog today.