Gratitude for Growth
If you are trying to add more personal, professional, or financial growth to your life, consider making time every day to do one simple task: create a gratitude list. Include all the people and personal accomplishments you feel appreciative of that day. In addition to expressing gratitude for your helpful neighbor, healthy food, and a comfortable home, don’t forget to identify the personal traits and achievements you feel proudest of. If you maintain this list, (also called a gratitude journal), you will invite growth and peace into your daily life.
The act of identifying positive aspects of ourselves will:
Allow You to Look Back: It is easy to get wrapped up in the question of “What’s next?” Meanwhile, we forget about what we’ve accomplished for ourselves already. Remember to occasionally reflect on your past goals achieved and jobs well done. After all, they all represent time and effort on your part. Remembering what we have done well in the past is an excellent form of motivation for the future. Even if it will be years until you achieve your major goals, you have still likely accomplished a lot for yourself within a single day, without fully realizing it. Be grateful for your hard work!
Help You Make Positive Change: The process of focusing on our strengths also helps us identify areas where we would like to grow and improve.
Choose Your Next Step: Be true to yourself. Incorporate the traits you are proudest of into your plans for the future. If we feel confident in ourselves and our abilities, we’ll have an easier time making achievable professional and financial plans. For example, you may decide you want to pursue an additional career that will play to your strengths. Or you may realize that you have untapped organizational skills that you can use to create new income-generating opportunities.
Help You Hit Pause: The act of reflecting and expressing feelings of gratitude will help you maintain a positive mindset. If we take time to appreciate who we are and what we have, right now, we will have an easier time facing the unknown future with an alert, optimistic, and clear mind. Doubt, anxiety, and fatigue can sneak up on us if we do not give ourselves time to pause and reflect on our individual strengths and accomplishments.
Acknowledge your hard work and give yourself the gratitude you deserve. Learn more ways to reflect and grow at www.syncis.com/blog.